
Strategies for a well-planned yoga practice

Yoga, as we all know, has a lot of benefits. It’s a form of exercise which keeps you fresh throughout the day. It not only helps you achieve your fitness goals, but it ...

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Strategies for a well-planned yoga practice

Yoga, as we all know, has a lot of benefits. It’s a form of exercise which keeps you fresh throughout the day. It not only helps you achieve your fitness goals, but it also takes care of your mind.

If you want to get started with yoga, thre is no better time to start as this. As we get busy with our lives we often forget about own physical and mental health.

If you are planning to start practising yoga and are confused about how you will go about it, don’t worry, we have got you covered.

Many of us struggle with what we should do while self-practising yoga. Earlier with long work hours, it wasn't possible for everyone to give  a fixed time. That’s why it becomes a little tricky to find time for yoga classes. Often self-practice remains the only option. It is, nevertheless, recommended to take expert help. If you are a beginner in yoga who has just started practising for 30mins or an hour and often waste your time deciding what to do, then you got to read the solutions offered here as in this blog section. I will give you some tips on how to plan the yoga practice that will help you schedule and start.

The key to a well-planned yoga practice is not to complicate it. Start simple. You may only gauge your progress if you give a month to your properly planned yoga practice. Try to not miss out, and you will notice the difference. Here are some tips on how to get your self-practice started and how to plan it well.


  • Planning

Plan your practice according to your convenience. Take out a little time every day, and schedule your yoga practice at that particular time. Make sure not to miss out on your regular sessions, and plan it well a day early.

  • Start your practice

Decide how much time you will dedicate and what time will be convenient for you at least one day prior. Start your practice at your fixed time. It can be for an hour or 30 minutes, depending on how much time you want to dedicate.


  • Don’t create a complex plan

Your yoga plan should be simple. Don’t complicate it. Overcomplicating it will only confuse you, waste your time and require additional effort from you to get started.

  • Things to do in a 60-minute practice

Here is a list of examples of all you can do in a 60-minute practice, which will help you with your self yoga practice.


1. Start with basic exercises or movements, which will warm up your body and prepare you for further yoga exercises.

2. Then you can further go with doing 2-3 Surya Namaskars.

( Surya Namaskar helps you strengthen your muscles and back, also it improves blood circulation and metabolism.)

3. Then you can start with 5-6 yoga postures

4. After that, have a little relaxation time to loosen the body and mental tension.

5. Do pranayama for a fixed time and duration.

These were some tips to plan your self-practice yoga and get started with it without any struggles or problems. Every day if you give a little time to yoga, it will make a world of difference.